Characteristics of the Hawaiian Rose

Hawaiian rose, Argyreia Nervosa, or Hawaiian baby woodrose is a perennial plant of the bindweed family, a liana with amazingly beautiful inflorescences of various colors. Each inflorescence forms a fruit containing one to four seeds. Although the plant is native to the Indian Peninsula, it actively grows in many different regions: Asia, Australia, Africa, the Caribbean region, and the Pacific Islands.

Although shamans in Latin America have long used other bindweed plants in various rituals, the psychoactive properties of the Hawaiian rose have only recently become known to the general public. The chemical composition of the seeds of the Hawaiian rose does not differ much from other plants of this family. In fact, the main feature of Argurea is that it contains the highest concentration of hallucinogenic substances. The first to experience the psychedelic properties of the Hawaiian rose were poor people in Hawaii, Haiti, and Puerto Rico, who consumed seeds instead of expensive alcohol. Later, the chemist Albert Hofmann discovered the seeds and decided to study their chemical composition.

Hawaiian Rose

It is recommended to chew the seeds and swallow them without the peel.

The average dose is 7-8 pieces. The effect can last from 4 to 12 hours and sometimes cause weakness, dizziness, and nausea. You can use water or lemon juice to reduce the unpleasant taste of the seeds. Pour the crushed seeds with water, leave them for an hour, then strain and eat them. The effect of taking Hawaiian rose seeds depends on the dose and the psychological state of the person. Typically, you will notice mental, visual and space-time effects, less often sound effects.

Hawaiian rose is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance, pregnancy, various diseases of the internal organs and the nervous system.