What is market capitalization?

Market capitalization is one of the most common indicators that experts use in the investment world. This indicator helps entrepreneurs to estimate the value of the company based on the price of its shares and the number of general shares in monetary terms. Thus, market capitalization takes into account the real value of the enterprise, which shows its position in the global market and productivity.

Market capitalization definition

Market capitalization is the aggregate value of all the company’s common shares in the market. Experts expect this by multiplying the current market price per share by the total number of shares that the company has issued.

The formula for calculating market capitalization: market capitalization = price of one share x total number of shares in circulation.

For example, if the price of one share of a company is $50, but the general number of shares is 1 billion. In that case, the company’s market capitalization would be $50 billion.

Market capitalization value for investors and companies

For investors, market capitalization is an important indicator that helps them estimate the size of the company and its market value. The higher the market capitalization, the more interest an enterprise arouses among investors and the more important it becomes in the investment portfolio.

In addition, enterprises use market capitalization to assess their places on the global market and as a tool to compare particular firms to competitors. Higher market capitalization can improve a company’s reputation and attract more investors, which in turn can bring more capital for further growth and development.

In general, market capitalization is an important indicator that helps entrepreneurs assess the real value of their companies in the market. It can be used by investors to make investment decisions. So companies can use this to assess their market position and attract investors.


Factors that influence market capitalization

Several factors can change market capitalization, including changes in market demand and supply, changes in a company’s financial performance, changes in the market environment, government economic policies, new laws, and even geopolitical conflicts.

Changes in supply and demand can significantly affect the company’s market capitalization. The increase in demand for shares of the company directly affects the price, which leads to the growth of market capitalization, so a fall in demand for shares may lead to a decrease in capitalization.

The company’s financial performance may affect the company’s market capitalization, too, such as revenues, profits, and dividends. The market environment can also affect the company’s market capitalization, such as government economic policies, new laws, and geopolitical conflicts. It creates a change in the value of the company’s assets and a change in investor attitudes to a particular company.


According to various examples, market capitalization is an important indicator of the state of the company and the market as a whole. When investing in companies, market capitalization is one of the key indicators that help entrepreneurs determine the real state of the company and its assets.

On the other hand, factors that influence capitalization should be included in the decision to invest in the company. Although market capitalization is not the only measure of a company’s health, it remains one of the most stable and reliable indicators that have value in financial markets.